Category: -Entrepreneur
Estudos de Negócios – YouTube
Arca da Risada – YouTube
Temporada 2
Temporada 1
F5 Sites | Login Screen – WordPress
F5 Sites | WooCommerce WPMU Subscriptio Check
ntegrates WooCommerce Subscriptio (the cheaper one) with WPMU, checking and associating a SUBSCRIPTION (wp post object) when creating a new WPMU site in network, for fastening and automated subsite creation by front-end user. Compatible with another F5 Sites WP Plugin -> Shared WordPress Posts And Taxonomies + Uploads Folder. Not testes outside FNETWORK.
Made for my personal usage, it is so hard to explain that I will not even try to do it, check the code or give up.
Made for and users assigns subscriptios to MU sub-blogs.
F5 Sites | Disable Images Sizes – WordPress Storefront – WordPress
Child theme for Storefront – WordPress
First virtual store powered by Fnetwork, but bugs detected before official launch.
F Botic Reprovado.
F5 Sites | WooCommerce shop_order Tables – WordPress
Based on F5 Sites | Shared Posts, it enable a custom database for WooCommerce orders, so it make possible to sync order in server instances without messing up products ids.
I tested tons of solutions and my plugin has potential to be the best, but sitill need a lots of integration tests, like sensei, etc. – WordPress
Not launched yet.
Pomodoros spinofff.