Cepera Condimentos 2019. Make an HTML template and PHP files to convert to WordPress WooCommerce template

Cepera Condimentos 2019. Make an HTML template and PHP files to convert to WordPress WooCommerce template
Diagramação de site para HTML/CSS com base em imagem fornecida pelo cliente, com exclusivo sistema de slideshow em Flash, desenvolvido por mim.
First F5 Sites product, unfinished.
My last try to use Flash for product development.
2010-09-23 11:10:31
Desenvolvimento de tema em WordPress para um hotel localizado em Pichilemu, no Chile. Conta com um banner rotator animado em Flash e é integrado com o twitter.
O trabalho foi entregue para um cliente localizado na Europa, mas que atua comercialmente na América Latina e outros continentes. De acordo com o briefing recebido do cliente:
The “Surfer’s Cottage” is the Surfer’s house, located in Pichilemu.
Cliente: Nürnberg, Germany
Just logo design, rare case.
My first personal online website on my own domain
Last use of Flash, abandonated it in next joband version of this website
Flash was used to make images, not anymore as main technology, because of Google identification of content
Site animado, feito no formato landing page, para a campanha de marketing e SEO da clínica de bioplastia, contendo apenas uma página. Utilizando o javascript e seu poderoso framework mootools para fazer o efeito de entrada e saída animado de elementos.
Scripts utilizados:
It was an attempt to create an inovative online Cash Flow system, with dynamic graphics. Stopped due costs, confidentiality and Flash technology limitations.
It was an really great attempt to create a brand new product, an online cash flow system. It was stopped because Flash technology was fastly becoming outdated, it need to be replaced urgently and the project ended in demo.
Another great problem was in SQL, I just find out that the contability and double entries system is really painfull to create. I tested a lot of cash flow system and thanks to that i found the greatest software: GnuCash Finance System, an great opensource project. So that settled an end to my project and I started to use GnuCash, never regret of it, helped me a lot.
But today, looking back in time, the CashFlower was really complex and original software, with unique design, Flash + PHP communication (not trivial) and custom SQL structure, made by myself.
Thanks to prof. dr. Valdemir Aparecido Pires for constantes feedbacks and reviews
Thanks to prof. dr. Alvaro Martim Guedes, from UNESP Araraquara, for Santander Prize Submission in 2008
Francisco Matelli Matulovic – 2008