SIHOS – WordPress/AngularJS/Laravel

Sistema Interno Hotshop (SIHOS) – Administra campanhas de incentivos de clientes da agência. Desenvolvimento full stack, mais focado em implementações UX e front-end.

English: Internal System Hotshop (SIHOS) – Manages incentive campaigns for agency clients. Full stack development, more focused in UX and front-end implementations.

HotShop – WordPress/AngularJS/Laravel

Desenvolvimento full stack, mais focado em implementações UX e front-end. Melhorias no portal de premiações de campanhas de marketing de incentivo.

English: Full stack development, more focused on UX and front-end implementations. Improvements to the incentive marketing campaign award portal. USA – WordPress


Data de commit
Apr 12, 2018 improved

F5 Sites | WooCommerce WPMU Subscriptio Check

ntegrates WooCommerce Subscriptio (the cheaper one) with WPMU, checking and associating a SUBSCRIPTION (wp post object) when creating a new WPMU site in network, for fastening and automated subsite creation by front-end user. Compatible with another F5 Sites WP Plugin -> Shared WordPress Posts And Taxonomies + Uploads Folder. Not testes outside FNETWORK.

Made for my personal usage, it is so hard to explain that I will not even try to do it, check the code or give up.
Made for and users assigns subscriptios to MU sub-blogs.