Based on F5 Sites | Shared Posts, it enable a custom database for WooCommerce orders, so it make possible to sync order in server instances without messing up products ids.
I tested tons of solutions and my plugin has potential to be the best, but sitill need a lots of integration tests, like sensei, etc.
Category: PHP
Bravi Code Challenge – PHP – WordPress
Not launched yet.
Pomodoros spinofff. – WordPress
F5 Sites | Localhost Warning – WordPress
F5 Sites | Footer Bar – WordPress – WordPress – WordPress
Current personal site. The new way to work, there is no original or custom PHP system, neither Flash or anything but a simple WordPress theme TwentySeventeen.
The focus for my personal website is to make it the fatest way possible, focusing in content creation. The result is visible, the site is active for months without interruption, no substition on my for next months and a lot of new content creation. But no github for these repo! Black – WordPress
A versão Black do é a mais recente, no ar mas não lançada oficialmente, parte da iniciativa de abrir o código-fonte de vários projetos. Após dificuldades da versão green e sua queda por meses, precisei repaginar rapidamente o app, para que novos usuários e antigos tivessem uma nova experiência
Primeiro commit do repo: Feb 24, 2017
Post anunciando lancamento: (o blog surgiu depois)
F5 Sites | WordPress Mysql Manager
Check out
It has files with 2018-01-08 dates, but in my memory the first functional version was in 2017, just after wp shared posts plugins.