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It has files with 2018-01-08 dates, but in my memory the first functional version was in 2017, just after wp shared posts plugins.
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It has files with 2018-01-08 dates, but in my memory the first functional version was in 2017, just after wp shared posts plugins.
F5 Sites | Shared Post Tables and Uploads Folder
Hacks WordPress databases, sharing posts and taxonomies tables for multiple wp install under the same database, by default wp only can share tables users and usermeta. Made for use in fnetwork.
It was made after a deception with wp-main, a great plugin to share and republish posts, but that can’t bulk update posts form different domains.
Partes de um jogo de futebol de botão, um disco e uma palheta somente, alguns obstáculos e a barra de força que aparece na palheta, porém o desenvolvimento do jogo foi interrompido. Controle usando apenas o mouse.