Unfinished not published job, just for statistics

Unfinished not published job, just for statistics
My first own virtual store.
China products imported.
Made with partner.
My first full PHP/Javascript system, made from scratch, with exclusive design.
My second canceled job, lost work and time. My client would try to resell the system, but he canceled the project without any sales.
If you are intersted came in and help me finish this job.
Copy logaracademia-example and rename it to logaracademia.php, and change credentials
Sistema em PHP criado sob medida para um cliente revender para academia, o desenvolvimento foi interrompido antes do trabalho ser concluído.
O projeto era a criação de um sistema online para o controle de academias, com módulos para horários, notícias, alunos e professores.
Se houver algum interessado ou oportunidade vou continuar o desenvolvimento do sistema, pois está bem documentado, faltando apenas o corrigir alguns bugs e adicionar algumas funcionalidades.
Tvi had changed its name to Tvitape, and Vivax to Horizon, then NET then Claro. Today’s project actual name would be Tvitape Claro.
Tvi had changed its name to Tvitape, and Vivax to Horizon, then NET then Claro. Today’s project actual name would be Tvitape Claro.
Various unused, stopped or just tests animations.